The catalog of Andre Laban's paintings as to be enriched.
You have a painting, do not hesitate to contact us.
Send photos including the reverse, specifying the maximum of informations, dimensions, number on the back of the work, place and year of diving known ...
You have witnessed a dive, share your experience.
We also put on this page photos in our possession that have not been identified, thank you in advance for your contributions.
Laurent Cadeau
President of Maecene Arts
Underwater painting number 187 has been found, thanks to David Rose. It was painted in 1991 in Eilat, Israel.
Thanks to Jean-Michel Mille and Frederic Falzon for their contribution, a dive site of Andre Laban identified at Bateguier North on Sainte-Marguerite island.
Painting made in 1983 in the Arche du Bec de Sormiou, Calanques de Marseille, thanks to Xavier Huet for his testimony.
A wink of two little Australians in the desert in Roxby Downs, Outback province, thanks to Sylviane and Christophe Flament for sharing.
One of the first landscapes of Provence found, it was painted with a knife by the young Andre Laban, oil on canvas.
From shadow to light, two paintings deciphered
The first was produced in front of a camera in December 2017, a premonitory cave exit.
The second work with a lot of material is the final one produced by the master of blue in June 2018. A final dive into the depths with this atypical cave entrance, going from sky blue, starry with mauve, to night blue so characteristic of Laban.
Two mirrored canvases, perfect symmetry, a whole symbolism, the water above and the water below, a connection that we could only make in hindsight.
Laurent Cadeau
Who owns paintings, has memories?
We are launching a call for contributions for canvases not listed in the catalog, please check the number on the back of your canvas:
108, 109, 132, 145, 162, 358, 400, 495, 512, 529, 555, 556 and 589.